Sarracenia x The Minor Hybrid

(3 reviews)
Yes, the name of this plant is "The Minor Hybrid." Back in the early 2000s, we acquired a bunch of random seed-grown plants produced by Larry Mellichamp, professor of botany at University of North Carolina in Charlotte. This plant caught our attention, but we didn't know what to call it and simply referred to it as "the minor hybrid" because it has features that have strong Sarracenia minor parentage. When we built enough of inventory through rhizome division, we had to give the plant a name. As a joke, we decided to continue calling it "The Minor Hybrid." The name stuck ever since. This plant appreciates very warm, sunny summers and a long growing season. A mature plant will be about 12 inches tall.
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Plants You Receive

Medium-sized plants are shipped in 4-inch pots.  They are 1-2 year old divisions from select mother plants in the collection.
All cold-hardy perennials are grown outdoors at our nursery in Oregon. Their appearance will change with the seasons.

April-May: Emerging from dormancy. Pitchers from the previous season will be cut off. 
June-September: Plants are in active growth. Best growth occurs in late summer.
October-December: Plants stop growing and wil have fewer pitchers.
January-March: Plants are still dormant. Pitchers from the previous season will be cut off.

General Care

Type of Plant: Cold-hardy perennial for outdoor container growing.
Sunlight: Full sun, 6+ hours of direct sunlight, during the growing season.  
Water: Low-mineral water (50 ppm or less).  Set in standing water to keep media wet.
Soil: Equal parts peat moss and perlite.  No garden soil, compost, or fertilizer.
Winter: Dormant.  Mulch in USDA zones 6 or colder.

Care info will be provided.


  • 5

    Posted by Todd Conaway on March 16, 2020

  • 5

    Posted by John Walker on January 12, 2020

  • 5

    Posted by Angela Stevens on January 5, 2020