Q/A #35 - Cape Sundew Is Dewless

February 15, 2023

Q/A #35 - Cape Sundew Is Dewless

QUESTION: I purchased this Drosera capensis from Sarracenia Northwest six months ago. I live in Central Florida, and my Drosera sits inside on a windowsill. After I received the plant, I repott …

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Q/A #25 - Sarracenia with No Pitchers

January 25, 2023

Q/A #25 - Sarracenia with No Pitchers

QUESTION: I was wondering if you could tell me what kind of pitcher plant this is. Also it has just been leaves, no pitchers for a year now.....what's wrong with it?? (Submitted in January 2019 …

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Q/A #9 - Pitcherless Nepenthes

January 3, 2023

Q/A #9 - Pitcherless Nepenthes

QUESTION: I have a Nepenthes, but I don't know anything more about it. It still has very small pitchers, and is one of two in the pot. But sorry to say recently one pitcher died. I have it in …

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