Q/A #22 - Pitcherless Nepenthes

January 20, 2023

Q/A #22 - Pitcherless Nepenthes

I have a Nepenthes that's almost two years old. The long stalk you see in the picture is the original plant. It seems to not be making pitchers anymore, but there's a bunch of new growth at it's base. Should I cut off that long stalk near the base? Is keeping it slowing down the new growth? I'm in New Orleans.
(Submitted in January 2020.)

The old vine probably isn't slowing down the plant. The lack of pitchers is more likely a factor of the time of year it is. Temperatures are cooler, and days are short. The location could also be a factor. Try moving your plant where it can get dappled sunlight. I suspect it's in full shade. Some direct sun will help it develop pitchers.That long vine seems to have stalled out, so cutting it off might just be good. But, give your plant a bit more sun.

Submitted in January 2020. The original question and response have been edited for publication.
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