Sarracenia Golden-Red Jubilee

(11 reviews)
Golden-Red Jubilee is another lovely cross created by John Hummer, this time of Sarracenia rubra jonesii x rubra alabamensis. In early season, the pitchers are tall and slender without much coloration. It's in late summer when you see it's gorgeous colors and patterns that the plant is known for - orange-red veins against a yellow-gold background. The display is a uniform fountain of golden-red pitchers that often reach a foot tall.
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Plant You Receive

• Established plant in its second growing season from division. (NOT a new division.)
• Shipped in a 4-inch pot.  
• Meticulously packaged for safe shipping.  Care info is provided.
• Grown outdoors at our nursery in Oregon.  Appearance will change with the seasons.

April-May: Ready to emerge from dormancy. Pitchers from the previous season will be cut off. 
June-September: Plant is in active growth. Best growth occurs in mid and late summer.
October-December: Plant stops growing and will have fewer pitchers with some browning.
January-March: Plant is still dormant. Pitchers from the previous season will be cut off.
Plant may reach a maximum height of 12 inches in its third growing season from division. 

General Care

Type of Plant: Cold-hardy perennial for outdoor container growing.
Sunlight: Full sun, 6+ hours of direct sunlight, during the growing season.  
Water: Low-mineral water (50 ppm or less).  Set in standing water to keep media wet.
Soil: Equal parts peat moss and perlite.  No garden soil, compost, or fertilizer.
Winter: Dormant.  Mulch in USDA zones 6 or colder.
