Monthly Carnivorous Plant Care

Monthly Care Video

The nursery is located in Eagle Creek, OR.
USDA Zone 8; 45° N Latitude

Outdoor Perennials

Sarracenia seedpods are now developing. They will be ready for harvest in October and November.

Pitcher plants will slowly fill up with insect and brown patches may occur along the pitcher. This is perfectly normal. As insects decompose, they will discolor the sides of the pitcher. These brown patches mean that your plant is earning its keep!

When the season heats up, you might see brown spots on the lid of some pitcher plants, particularly the early season plants, such as S. flava and S. oreophila. As their pitchers age, the nectar on their lids dry up and turn brown.

S. leucophylla might grow non-carnivorous leaves this month and next. It is their way to adapt to hot dry conditions. Look for normal pitchers in September.

The last of Venus flytrap flowers will occur this month. Those that flowered in late spring will develop seedpods by now.

Sundews will be heavily specked with insects.

• Keep their trays filled with mineral-free water to keep the soil moist at all times. Never allow the soil to dry out.
• These plants love sunlight. Grow them in full sun whenever possible.
• If you are planning a vacation this month, make sure you have someone water your plants for you. Water trays can dry up quickly during hot summer days.
• Pay attention to aphids! They love to feed on new growth. Usually aphid damage will show up as disfigured leaves and pitchers. Unfortunately, by the time you see the damage, the aphids are long gone. To protect the new growth, neem oil. Spray generously on your plant. You may need to repeat every 3-5 days. As always, follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
• Slugs also love to munch on new growth. To control these pests use slug bait. However, slug bait is toxic to carnivorous plants, so never place it on the soil surface of your carnivorous plants or in the water trays. Place it only around the water trays. If you have pets, use Sluggo®. This particular brand of slug bait is safe to use around pets and wildlife. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Tropical Plants

• If you want to move your tropical plants outdoors, you may do so now. However, plants prefer stable conditions and can take up to a month to acclimate to their new environment. They may stop producing dew or pitchers as they acclimate. In most situations, tropical plants do better remaining in your home during the summer months.

• If you decide to move your plants outdoors, place them in an area where they can receive direct early morning sunlight or bright indirect light for most of the day. Shelter them from the afternoon sun. After a couple of weeks, you may move them to a brighter location, according to what they need.

• Avoid placing Mexican butterworts (Pinguicula), South African sundews, and South American sundews outdoors. These plants prefer mild temperatures.

• Make sure your plants are watered appropriately. Never allow the soil to dry completely.

• Tropical plants are also prone to pests, such as aphids, thrips and scales. Always take immediate action if you see any of these pests or suspect pests may be a problem. Pests can get out of control quickly in the home. Start with naturally-derived insecticides made with pyrethrin or Neem. As always, follow the directions provided by the manufacturer.