Monthly Carnivorous Plant Care
Monthly Care Video
The nursery is located in Eagle Creek, OR.
USDA Zone 8; 45° N Latitude
Outdoor Perennials
Sarracenia seedpods are now developing. will continue to develop. You can look forward to harvesting seeds in October and November, depending on your climate.
Early season plants, such as Sarracenia flava and S. oreophila, will produce non-carnivorous winter leaves (phyllodia). Their main pitchers will slowly turn brown as they head into dormancy a bit earlier than other pitcher plants.
Pitchers produced in spring might flop over and turn brown. This is normal. Trim them off if you can't stand looking at them.
Many late-season plants produce their best leaves of the season in September and October.
Collect your flytrap seeds. Sow them now before the first frost hits, or place them in the refrigerator for sowing next spring. Germination will occur within 3 weeks.
As daylight hours shorten and the weather cools down, hardy sundews will drop their leaves and prepare for winter dormancy. Look for a resting bud (hibernaculum) on the soil surface.
• Keep their trays filled with mineral-free water to enusre that the soil moist at all times. Never allow the soil to dry out.
• Continue giving these plants as much sunlight as possible, Sarracenia and flytraps in particular. They will need to make as much sugar (via photosynthesis) to make it through winter successfully.
• You might experience a frost this month, depending on your location. Frost is good for your outdoor perennials. It helps them acclimate to even colder temperatures coming in winter.
Sarracenia seedpods are now developing. will continue to develop. You can look forward to harvesting seeds in October and November, depending on your climate.
Early season plants, such as Sarracenia flava and S. oreophila, will produce non-carnivorous winter leaves (phyllodia). Their main pitchers will slowly turn brown as they head into dormancy a bit earlier than other pitcher plants.
Pitchers produced in spring might flop over and turn brown. This is normal. Trim them off if you can't stand looking at them.
Many late-season plants produce their best leaves of the season in September and October.
Collect your flytrap seeds. Sow them now before the first frost hits, or place them in the refrigerator for sowing next spring. Germination will occur within 3 weeks.
As daylight hours shorten and the weather cools down, hardy sundews will drop their leaves and prepare for winter dormancy. Look for a resting bud (hibernaculum) on the soil surface.
• Keep their trays filled with mineral-free water to enusre that the soil moist at all times. Never allow the soil to dry out.
• Continue giving these plants as much sunlight as possible, Sarracenia and flytraps in particular. They will need to make as much sugar (via photosynthesis) to make it through winter successfully.
• You might experience a frost this month, depending on your location. Frost is good for your outdoor perennials. It helps them acclimate to even colder temperatures coming in winter.
Tropical Plants
• If you're growing your tropical plants outdoors, monitor your night temperatures. If the night temperature consistently drops to 50°F (10°C), it may be time to bring your tropical plants indoors. Avoid frost!
• Before bringing plants indoors, inspect them for pests. If necessary, spray them with a water-based insecticide, such as pyretrhin or neem. Always follow the directions provided by the manufacturer.
• When bringing your plants indoors, place them in a window that has similar lighting to what they were getting during the summer. Choose a south window whenever possible.
• Make sure your plants are watered appropriately. Never allow the soil to dry completely.
• If you're growing your tropical plants outdoors, monitor your night temperatures. If the night temperature consistently drops to 50°F (10°C), it may be time to bring your tropical plants indoors. Avoid frost!
• Before bringing plants indoors, inspect them for pests. If necessary, spray them with a water-based insecticide, such as pyretrhin or neem. Always follow the directions provided by the manufacturer.
• When bringing your plants indoors, place them in a window that has similar lighting to what they were getting during the summer. Choose a south window whenever possible.
• Make sure your plants are watered appropriately. Never allow the soil to dry completely.