Houseplants - Sunny Windowsill

Based on your growing conditions, you can grow a wide variety of tropical carnivorous plants. A lot of tropical carnivorous plants require partial sunlight, three or more hours of unobstructed sunlight with strong filtered sunlight during the rest of the day. East, west, or south windows are most appropriate. (If you live in th Pacific Northwest or an area that has lots of morning fog and clouds, avoid east windows.)

The following groups of plants are appropriate for first-time growers and adapt very well to a sunny windowsill.

Drosera: Tropical Sundews
Tropical Butterworts

Why aren't Venus flytraps and Sarracenia on this list?

Venus flytraps and Sarracenia require more sunlight than what's found in most homes. Lack of adequate sunlight is why they often die in the home. They are also cold-hardy perennials that require winter dormancy. Without it, they get cranky and refuse to grow well. Venus flytraps and Sarracenia grow best outdoors throughout the year, just like other garden perennials.

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