Already blooming
The adelae was perfect and healthy. Sarracenia Northwest send big plants - much bigger than many of the other vendors. A month later and my adelae is sending up a flower stalk, which I'll let it bloom to see the flowers.
September Specials: Venus Flytrap • S. purpurea venosa • S. Juthatip Soper
Drosera adelae is an excellent plant for beginners because of its ability to adaptable to lower light conditions than what other sundews require. Grow in medium light for wide green leaves. Grow in very bright light for narrower, red leaves. The sundew is also extremely prolific. It sends out runners that form new plants from under the soil. A single plant in a 3-inch pot can easily fill up that space within 6 months! It makes a great companion plant for orchids, such as Phalenopsis. Look for red star-shape flowers in early winter.
Type of Plant: Tropical plant for windowsill growing.
Size: 4 inches across when mature.
Sunlight: Dappled sun. Avoid hot sunlight.
Water: Low-mineral water (50 ppm or less).
Soil: Equal parts peat moss and perlite only.
Temperatures: Tolerant of cool temperatures but always protect from frost.
• Juvenile plant, acclimated for windowsill growing.
• Shipped in a 3-inch pot. Care info is included.
The adelae was perfect and healthy. Sarracenia Northwest send big plants - much bigger than many of the other vendors. A month later and my adelae is sending up a flower stalk, which I'll let it bloom to see the flowers.
Plant arrived as scheduled, and in really great condition. Any plant I've bought fro Sarracenia has arrived exactly as scheduled and looking great. The I instructions and guidance that comes with it is excellent.
Beautiful, started blooming three days from shipping.
If there is a plant you should have in your collection it should be this beauty
Arrived in perfect condition and it's doing well.
Currently growing under artificial lights and this sundew is showing signs of strong growth! Healthy and securely packaged.
As usual these folks provide great plant
great looking plants and great job packing I'm extremely happy with my purchase.
A nice one of the "three sisters" from Queensland.
I read some on-line information about how this particularl plant can be be finicky in it's growth requirements. I purchased two, and they have not ceased to consistently grow. I have since found out that these little babies propagate easily so I have looking forward to spreading them around the display, intrspersed with other plants
Plant arrived healthy. Has been growing well and has almost doubled in size.